Dear Readers,
Last Thursday, a family friend told us about her sister's battle against bone cancer. She had previously survived cancer of the breast, but unfortunately, it has now gone to her bones. We assured her of our prayers, but also to look at wheatgrass, at least to help in the detoxification process when she begins her chemotherapy on Monday.
Wheatgrass Shots to Fight Cancer |
I'd like to share this excerpt from an article by Ms Patricia Skinner, talking about the different techniques successful doctors use in the fight against the Big C.
My favorite, ofcourse, is Dr. Anne Wigmore, who is an advocate of wheatgrass. Her very life was a testimony to this as she overcame colon cancer herself. Her therapy is still widely used today.
Dr. Anne Wigmore |
Read on ....
All the practitioners who have been successful with the treatment of serious disease, particularly cancer, have a reputation for being very tough on their patients, in fact some have been described as Hitler-like in their attitudes. When questioned, many say that unless a cancer patient is prepared to tackle the problem of detoxification seriously and follow the diet without diversification, then there is little hope that they will be able to overcome the disease. Often patients who are in a weakened state of health need the support of a therapist who is prepared to be firm with them.
DR. MAX GERSON (?–1959). Dr. Gerson's therapy probably can be considered the original biological cancer treatment. In his book entitled A Cancer Therapy, Results of Fifty Cases, Gerson documented 50 successfully treated cancer patients. He explained to readers that the cases in his book were the most extensively documented and therefore most suitable for the purposes of demonstrating his cure.
This therapy relies mainly on fresh organic juices, but includes supplements and strict instructions for lifestyle. A vital aspect of his treatment are the coffee enema she devised to achieve thorough detoxification.
DR. LINUS PAULING (1901–1994). Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling, researched the properties of nutritional supplements in treating disease for many years, and he is generally accepted as the foremost authority on the subject. In 1979, he published a work with co-author Ewan Cameron titled Cancer and Vitamin C. Pauling advocated supplements, in particular megadoses of vitamin C, for the treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
DR. ANN WIGMORE (1909–1993). Wheatgrass juice and sprouts are the basis for Wigmore's regimen, which she originally devised to cure her own chronic diseases including cancer, and has been successfully helping people for decades. The Wigmore diet focuses primarily on live foods. Wigmore felt that raw vegetables held more nutrition than when cooked and were without the chemical additives that processed foods hold. Her therapy is still practiced at the Hippocrates Institute and has been adopted by a number of alternative health care practitioners as the basis for their treatment.
DR. RANDOLPH STONE (1890–1981). Stone developed a system known as Polarity therapy during his career, which spanned 60 years. He felt that health should be measured by an assessment of the human energy field. This is affected by daily life, nutrition, exercise, touch, sound, etc. Stone recommended a comprehensive regimen consisting of touch therapy (where the practioner's hands are conduits of energy), diet (a vegetarian diet is emphasized because foods collected in a non-violent way hold more energy), and yoga (to tune the patient into his or her own body). This will balance health, and so produce satisfactory energy fields.
DR. MICHIO KUSHI. Microbiotics is the belief that people are influenced by everything around them, including the environment, foods they eat, and even where they live. Promoting a positive lifestyle is also encouraged in order to keep a good outlook and mental attitude. Possibly the most famous teacher of macrobiotics in the United States, Michio Kushi, in collaboration with Alex Jack, wrote The Cancer Prevention Diet in 1993. It is a comprehensive guide to the prevention and treatment of cancer with a macrobiotic diet.