Saturday, January 15, 2011

DETOX Life Camp

There's an upcoming DETOX LIFE CAMP on January 29 at the AIM Conference Center in Makati. I highly recommend this event, let me know if you are interested. 

Start your 2011 right by having a clean colon, renewed body and new outlook in life!

Wheatgrass Man

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Supercharging Wheatgrass


I was reading different articles over the holidays and came upon an intriguing discussion on how to supercharge wheatgrass in the fight against cancer. While experiments have been done in the past on this subject, it is still in research phase. Please read the disclaimer here:

Anyway, the premise of the experiment is that back in the 1940s, ultra-violet light was used to heal certain diseases including cancer. The blood is extracted from the patient and treated with light. Once the cells are "energized", they are transmitted back to the body. Now as we know wheatgrass shares the same molecular structure as hemoglobin, so instead of treating blood with light, it is being done to wheatgrass. You get the picture ...

Details of the research can be found below, taken from the Independent Cancer Research Foundation website:

Wheatgrass / Ultraviolet Light Treatment

by R. Webster Kehr,
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.


This article is about supercharging a normal wheatgrass treatment for cancer by using ultraviolet light.
In other words, this article is not about the use of wheatgrass in the treatment of cancer. There are many websites and books which teach a person how to use wheatgrass in the treatment of cancer (such as on the Cancer Tutor website). This article is about supercharing the effectiveness of standard wheatgrass treatments.

For those new to alternative cancer research, you should understand that cancer is caused by a very special type of microbe. This has been known since 1860 and has been rediscovered over and over again. If you are new to alternative cancer research, please take the time to read this article first:

This treatment is a combination of wheatgrass juice, which has been used in alternative cancer treatments for several decades, and ultraviolet light, which has also been used in alternative cancer treatments for several decades.
The addition of ultraviolet light to a wheatgrass protocol is hoped to supercharge this treatment when dealing with cancer.
As mentioned in the article on cancer theory, every cancer cell has microbes inside of it. If you kill these microbes, without killing the cancer cell itself, the cancer cell will revert into a normal cell. This eliminates the cancer without creating a great deal of debris from dead cancer cells.

The intent of this protocol is to kill microbes which are inside the cancer cells. This treatment is based on several assumptions which are as of yet unproven:

1) That chlorophyll will "remember" ultraviolet light frequencies,

2) That chlorophyll will enter inside of cancer cells,
3) That the chlorophyll, charged with ultraviolet light frequencies, will kill the microbes which are inside of the cancer cells, allowing the cancer cells to revert into normal cells.

Each of these issues will now be discussed in turn.

The Three Key Issues

Here is a summary of the key issues which could affect the effectiveness of this protocol:
Item #1 - Will Chlorophyll "Remember" Ultraviolet Light Frequencies?

There are two key books on understanding the use of ultraviolet light in the treatment of microbial diseases such as cancer:

1) Into the Light – Tomorrow’s Medicine Today, by Dr. William Douglass, M.D.

2) Light - Medicine of the Future, by Jacob Liberman, O.D., PhD

Both books are necessary to see the complete picture of this protocol.
Primarily in the 1940s and 1950s, ultraviolet light was routinely curing many kinds of diseases, including staph infections, cancer, viral pneumonia and many other diseases.
This protocol applies to cancer, but it also may apply to any microbial disease, including a pandemic flu, common colds, Lyme Disease, viral pneumonia, etc.
As part of the ongoing research of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, we have been looking into, and experimenting with, ultraviolet light as a way to cure a wide variety of microbial diseases.
Remember, while most microbial diseases deal with microbes in the bloodstream, the microbes which cause cancer are actually inside of the cancer cells. This makes cancer more difficult to cure than most kinds of microbial diseases because the cancer-killing substance must safely get inside the cancer cells.

Treating blood which has been extracted from the body was able to cure cancer for two reasons:

1) The hemoglobin (red blood cells) was able to "remember" or "store" the ultraviolet frequencies they were exposed to. Actually, what probably happened is simply that the hemoglobin continued to vibrate after their exposere to ultraviolet light ended (i.e. when the blood was put back into the body);

2) While hemoglobin itself does not get inside the cancer cells, for some unknown reason it is able to kill the microbes which are inside of the cancer cells and thus revert the cancer cells into normal cells.

The second item was possible because the hemoglobin was essentially a very small "beacon" of ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light is well-known to kill microbes.
Any microbe which was exposed to hemoglobin was killed because microbes have an abnormal amount of photosensitive substances, such as photosensitive amino acids. It was actually these photosensitive substances in microbes which killed the microbes.
All of this is well understood by anyone who has read the two books mentioned above, except that these books do not discuss the theory of how ultraviolet light cures cancer. The answer is that the hemoglobin molecules, charged with ultraviolet light, kill the microbes inside of cancer cells, thus allowing them to revert into normal cells.
God’s chemistry is all about vibrations and the angular relationships of atoms within molecules.
Wheatgrass, meaning wheatgrass juice, also has a porphyrin molecule in it (with magnesium at its center). It is the chlorophyll which contains this molecule.
It is hoped that the porphyrin molecule in hemoglobin is what is "remembering" the ultraviolet light and that the porphyrin molecule in chlorophyll will also "remember" ultraviolet light.
There are actually several reasons to be optimistic that this is the case.
First, plants do not get microbial diseases, including cancer. Why not? Could it be that the prophyrin molecules, energized by the sun, kill microbes almost as fast as they enter the plant?
No one knows the answer to this question, but it is certainly logical.
Item #2 - Will Chlorophyll Enter Inside of Cancer Cells?
The answer to this question is also a logical 'yes', though it may not be necessary for the chlorophyll to enter inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes which are inside the cancer cells. Remember that hemoglobin is able to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells without entering inside the cancer cells.
Actually, freshly cut wheatgrass has been curing cancer for many decades without ultraviolet light. Exactly how it has been curing cancer is unknown. But when supercharged with ultraviolet light it is hoped that wheatgrass is even more effective at curing cancer.
Item #3 - Will Chlorophyll, Charged With Ultraviolet Light Frequencies, Kill Microbes
The answer to this question is unknown, but based on the fact that plants are rarely affected by microbes the hope is that chlorophyll will be more effective at killing microbes after being supercharged with ultraviolet light.
Other Theoretical Issues
One of the concerns about this protocol is that the wheatgrass must pass through the stomach. The chemicals in the stomach may partially neutralize the ultraviolet frequency held by the wheatgrass. Only experiments will determine if, or by how much, the stomach will affect this protocol. With blood extraction the blood does not pass through the stomach as wheatgrass must do in this protocol.

About Ultraviolet Light

There are three levels of ultraviolet light. UVC or UV-C is the highest frequency light which humans can see, but it is very dangerous to look at. The sun emits this kind of light and that is why we cannot stare at the sun.
UVB or UV-B is the middle range of ultraviolet light. It is not good to look at this kind of light, but it is not as dangerous as UVC.
UVA or UV-A is the near ultraviolet light and is the safest to deal with, though it is not safe to stare directly into UVA light for very long.
The process to cure cancer in the 1940s and 1950s was to extract blood from the patient, flood it with UVC light, with some UVB and with less UVA ultraviolet light. Then the blood would be put back into the patient. Results were astonishing with virtually 100% cure rates for all microbial diseases.
Because the bombardment of UV light using wheatgrass is also done outside the body, the same kinds of UV light which were used to treat blood can also be used to treat wheatgrass. The same safety procedures must be used for wheatgrass if UVC or UVB is used.
It is not recommended to use the sun to supercharge the wheatgrass because the sun would take much longer to generate the same amount of ultraviolet light as a lamp, which is only a few inches away from the wheatgrass.

What Is Herxheimer's Reaction?

Before getting into the details of the wheatgrass / ultraviolet protocol, it is necessary to talk about an important concept.
All of the diseases which this article talks about involve massive numbers of microbes in the bloodstream. All treatments which kill a vast number of microbes which are in the bloodstream may result in a condition called: Herxheimer's Reaction.
With regards to cancer, even though reverting cancer cells into normal cells requires killing the microbes which are inside the cancer cells, it is unavoidable that any treatment which reverts cancer cells into normal cells will also kill vast numbers of microbes which are outside the cancer cells, meaning in the bloodstream.

Herxheimer’s Reaction (also known as Jarisch-Herxheimer), is a reaction of the body to the toxins released by a large number of dead microbes. Herx typically has one or more of these symptoms:

1) Flu like symptoms (e.g. aches and pains),

2) Diarrhea (almost always happens),
3) A general sick feeling (can be severe),
4) Headaches

Thus, there is a paradox that if you want the safest type of cancer cure you need to expose yourself to the whims of Herxheimer's Reaction.
While Herx appears to be a bad thing, in fact Herx is a very good thing because it means the treatment is working and massive numbers of microbes are being killed!! However, you obviously want to do everything possible to avoid Herx!!
This section will list several ways to minimize, or hopefully prevent, Herx.
The main method is to "build up," meaning gradually increase the time the wheatgrass juice is exposed to the ultraviolet light.
Here is the strongly recommended build-up for the first few days of this protocol:

Day 1: The wheatgrass is exposed to ultraviolet light for 2 minutes

Day 2: The wheatgrass is exposed to ultraviolet light for 5 minutes

Day 3: The wheatgrass is exposed to ultraviolet light for 7 minutes
Day 4: The wheatgrass is exposed to ultraviolet light for 10 minutes

After this build-up the patient can start their normal treatment. The most effective length of time to expose the wheatgrass to ultraviolet light is unknown, but is expected to be somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes. Feedback from cancer patients who use this protocol will be appreciated.
Second, and just as important, after every day of treatment, a person should drink plenty of purified water. This will help dilute the toxins released by the dead microbes. Do not use distilled water for several reasons.
Third, a person who has an ozonator (such as used in the Bob Beck Protocol) can create ozonated water by bubbling the water for 10 minutes. This also should be done after the treatment.
Fourth, many people have water ionizers or treatments which can make water alkaline. These can also create water which will help prevent Herx. These too should be taken after the treatment.
Both ozonated water and ionized water will not only dilute the toxins, they will also help oxidize them, making these things far better than just water.
Thus, there are several ways to minimize the Herxheimer Reaction.
One final comment about Herx. If Herxheimer's occurs on any day after the first full day, this is an indication that some of the chlorophyll "remembers" the UVA frequencies for more than 24 hours.

Introduction to the Protocol

It is not known how fresh the wheatgrass must be in order to use this protocol. It is felt that as long as the chlorophyll molecules/cells are still active and strong, this treatment will work.

The idea scenario would be the following:

1) Cut living wheatgrass,

2) Wait 3 hours,
3) Juice the wheatgrass and then,
4) Expose the wheatgrass to the ultraviolet light for the time mentioned above,
5) Drink immediately after exposure to the UV light.

More details will now be provided.
It is essential to put the wheatgrass you intend to expose to ultraviolet light into a wide glass pan or wide Pyrex pan. For example, it should not be put into a tall glass, but it should be put into a wide glass or Pyrex pan. This is because you want the maximum surface area possible, of the wheatgrass, exposed to the ultraviolet light.
The wheatgrass itself should not be more than 1/8 inch deep in the pan. This will maximize the surface area of the wheatgrass that is exposed to the ultraviolet light. Thus, you want a wide area, not a tall area.
You can use UVC lamps, if you wish, but most likely you will use UVB or UVA. UVB lamps can be purchased at pet stores (UVB lamps are used for snakes).
Use only ONE kind of light because mixing light frequencies dampens their effectiveness.
UVA lamps, which are called "black lights," may be even more effective at treating cancer. However, UVC and UVB lamps are also acceptable, but far more safey rules need to be in place when using UVB or UVC lamps (the manufactuer should have the safety rules with their product). However, a person should not stare directly into UVA lamps either.
The times the wheatgrass should be exposed to the UV light is mentioned above. Always be aware of Herx when using ultraviolet light.
The best UVA lamps can be purchased from Spencer Gifts stores. The 13 watt, 6 inch bulbs actually generate more UVA light than the tube bulbs.

If you do not have a Spencer Gifts store handy, here is one of many websites which sell black lights (i.e. UVA) (buy at least 2 bulbs because you will want to use 2 bulbs if you use the tubes):

To me the ideal would be to use 4 of the 13 watt bulbs purchased at Spencer Gifts.
The bulbs should be about 4 inches above the surface of the wheatgrass and the room should be pitch black during the exposure!! In other words, the ONLY light the wheatgrass should be exposed to during the protocol is the light from the UVA or UVB bulbs!!
Do not stare at the bulbs during the actual protocol. Drink the wheatgrass juice as soon as the exposure is complete.
The safety of this protocol is absolutely certain if safety rules are observed both in preventing Herx and keeping the eyes from being damaged by ultraviolet light. The only “experimental” part of this protocol is its effectiveness, not its safety.